valentines day

Can we mommas ban Valentine’s Day CARDS this year?

I’ve decided to rebel. This thing called Valentine’s Day is getting on my ever-loving last nerve. I’m not pissed that Hallmark basically made up the holiday. I couldn’t care less that it’s another excuse for my children to eat truckloads...

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Pregnant? You need a health advocate.

The nurse leaned in with plenty of disdain and said, “You seem VERY suspicious of the medical establishment.” Yes, perhaps because you keep coming into my room and asking if this second child I’m birthing is a product of IVF....

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Time is a choice: how do you spend yours?

Life is all about choices. Time is all about choices. How do you spend yours? Every day, all day long, you have the choice to take a stand on what you value. Losing yourself in a book or mindlessly scanning...

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woman shopping and laughing in the street

Holiday shopping DEALS on Amazon for moms

Ah, Black Friday will be here before you know it! In the meantime, can you resist the urge to decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving? I can. Because I love BLUE VELVET PUMPKINS on the dining room table. Baby Jesus can...

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5 tips for easy, breezy Christmas decorating

Got the tree trimmed? Stockings hung? Wreath on the front door? Wait, no? Not yet? Well, if you haven’t decorated for Christmas yet, perhaps one of the following applies: 1. You don’t do Christmas. 2. You hate Pinterest. 3. You’re...

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How to rock daylight saving time this fall

First off, I’m having a super hard time dropping the “S” from this twice-annual event. It’s been “daylight savings time” my whole life. Kinda like how “February” doesn’t actually have an “R,” whereas, “Washington” does. Not kidding on that one...

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Why a potty mouth does you good

Whenever I drop “holy shit!” during normal conversation, my husband laughs at me. He says he’ll do the same thing if I start speaking jive or suddenly morph into a discussion on the relativity of time. It’s obviously not my...

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