eating Halloween candy

5 ways to get rid of your kid’s Halloween candy

My daily diet looks like this… Breakfast. Peanut butter toast. And milk with a splash of chocolate milk thrown in for good measure. Lunch. Spinach wrap filled with deli meat and cheese, with a LARGE side of cheez-its. Followed by...

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summer boys

The big lie infertility wants you to believe

Parenting is hard, y’all. Like spin around 5 times fast and try to walk a straight line hard. Sometimes it feels impossible. But you stumble onto the floor, collect yourself and get up. Luckily these little critters are really great...

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Amazon PRIME DAY DEALS for moms

It’s Christmas in July! Amazon Prime Day is back with tons of deals, y’all. And it’s technically TWO DAYS this year: July 16 AND 17. You might as well get your actual Christmas shopping done early this year. So you...

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10 tips for car-tripping with toddlers

I’m getting ready to stab out both my eyes. From the thought of spending ad infinitum hours in the car with two small children. Yes, I want to go to the beach. No, I don’t want to travel to the...

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school boy

I remember the school shooter drills

I don't teach anymore, but I remember the drills. I remember the nervous chatter of middle schoolers as we huddled in the farthest corner, the door locked, the room dark, objects in hand ready to throw at an assailant.

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