I’m getting ready to stab out both my eyes. From the thought of spending ad infinitum hours in the car with two small children. Yes, I want to go to the beach. No, I don’t want to travel to the...
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A love letter to moms, journeying from sleep deprived to joy-arrived.
I’m getting ready to stab out both my eyes. From the thought of spending ad infinitum hours in the car with two small children. Yes, I want to go to the beach. No, I don’t want to travel to the...
Read MoreAh, the blessed childhood tradition of wetting the bed. Is it driving you to drink, too? Now, I do have friends whose kids at the uncanny age of 2 decided one night that they were just done with diapers. Those...
Read MoreThis post was almost a cry for help. Until another mom took pity on me and showed me the light. (Thanks, Alison!) Now I can do the same for you. All I can say is that I’m looking forward to...
Read MoreAre you ready to take the plunge? To lock yourself away for THREE DAYS with a toddler? Other than maybe losing your mind, this is totally worth your time. Pee-pee nirvana is within reach. For your convenience, I’ve included affiliate...
Read MoreMy kid is a potty professional. As in, when he needs to go, he goes. As in, we don’t need to remind him over and over and over and…to potty. It’s all: git er done! He went diaper-free at two....
Read MoreSo you had a fabulous maternity leave. You followed my advice and turned off your damn work email and created a maternity leave manifesto. You’re rocking this new-mom thing! Well, sleep deprivation may just win the battle when you return...
Read MoreLook, I know you have, like, 50 baby blankets. Unless your great grandma hand-quilted them, you probably only need 7: one for baby to love on right now, three that baby has loved on (that are in the dirty laundry...
Read MoreMy oldest wakes up at 5:30am. Nope, I didn’t stutter. That’s right, 5:30-A-M! Anyone else feeling my pain? My kid has done this since he was a baby. Before he was weaned, I nursed him back to sleep for another...
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