How is it possible that this sweet little guy is TWO already?! To celebrate, he enjoyed popsicles at daycare, toy airplanes with daddy, and birthday brownies at the lake with Mimi and Poppa. I actually have TWO miracle babies. And...
Read MoreThe first time I met a real, live TEST TUBE baby
I vividly remember when I met her. I was 20 and it was a perfect, blue-sky day. My friend Liz introduced me to Amy, a gorgeous, red-head who could not stop smiling. She laughed easily. She was delightful. I was...
Read MoreIt’s a mad, mad world. Don’t let them win.
Be brave, y’all, because the world is a little off-kilter right now. Cherish the mundane moments with your children when life feels chaotic. The kids cannot begin to understand the turmoil and pain gripping our hearts these days.
Read MoreThe no-shame C-section
When I was 10 weeks pregnant with baby #1, an aunt said, “Of course, you’re not planning on having a C-section.” Um, at 10 weeks does anyone plan on having a C-section? I put on my best Southern lady smile...
Read MoreHow to escape swim diaper hell
This post was almost a cry for help. Until another mom took pity on me and showed me the light. (Thanks, Alison!) Now I can do the same for you. All I can say is that I’m looking forward to...
Read MoreWhy you can AND SHOULD take a kid-free vacation
Terrified to leave your littles for a little time away with your honey? Here's why you should just do it. Plus, tips to make the transition easier for everyone.
Read MoreThe art of picking out socks: teaching children independence
Ok, ladies, is it realistic to think my older kid can put on his coat by himself while I help the younger one? Then we all get out the door in the morning a little more quickly, right? Ha! There’s...
Read More20 reasons why you might be a perfectly imperfect mom
I’m more of a #PinterestFail kind of mom and I’m proud of it. How about you? Are you super crafty and the best chef ever, with an always-spotless house? If that’s working for you, GREAT! If you’re more like me,...
Read MoreHow to survive 6 hours in the car with your baby
Yes, it’s possible. Without losing your sanity. Having a buddy along is definitely preferable, but I’ve had the pleasure of attempting this a couple times by myself to visit the Mimi and Poppa, and I’m still here to talk about...
Read More8 tips to get your baby on a sleep schedule
How do I remember those first couple months as a new mom? “Fondly” may not be the first word that comes to mind. New baby snuggles: awe-some. Lack of sleep: awe-ful. I do remember when we all made it to...
Read MoreWhy I Marie Kondo-ed the family dog
For years I suffered in silence, trying to weasel out of pet ownership. Then Marie Kondo rescued me. It was time to un-adopt the dog. Because the dog did not SPARK JOY. Here’s why. Dog pee on the wall-to-wall, beige...
Read More10 things you should know about having a C-section
Recently a pregnant momma asked me, a proud, 2-time C-section momma: If we have to schedule a C-section, any suggestions to mentally prepare? It seems like it would be so surreal to just feel totally normal – and then pop...
Read MoreWhat to do when breastfeeding is hard
You've heard breastfeeding is good for baby. You've heard breastfeeding is good for mom's health. And you've heard breastfeeding helps you bond with your wee one. But if you're reading this, you've probably also discovered it's hard.
Read MoreWorking mother hacks
So you had a fabulous maternity leave. You followed my advice and turned off your damn work email and created a maternity leave manifesto. You’re rocking this new-mom thing! Well, sleep deprivation may just win the battle when you return...
Read MoreMiscarriage: 1 in 4 women know we need to talk about this
Sometimes a miscarriage is so early it feels like a heavy, painful period. Other times, you sense it coming when you look in the eyes of the ultrasound tech. But every time, you need to know: YOU'RE NOT ALONE.
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