
You can ROCK daylight savings this spring

You guys, the days are getting LONGER! Are you not beyond excited over this? Maybe you’re like me and turn into a cute, little bear and hibernate all winter long. As in, I am ready to stuff my face with...

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Nursing mother or nursing ADDICT? You decide.

I don’t know about you, but some of my best friends are addicts. And when I was nursing my babes, I noticed a few, unsettling similarities between me, the innocent and devoted, nursing mother, and my fun-loving, crack-craving brothers and...

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young kids sitting

The joys and crazy of two kids under two

Four years ago, I called my sister-in-law and announced we were “ONE AND DONE!” Because sleep deprivation is hell. Also because when our miracle baby turned one, the stomach bug to end all stomach bugs entered our lives. Y’all, this...

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I ran back to work after my son was born

I was never meant to be a stay-at-home mom. I knew this at age eight. When I asked my own stay-at-home mother what she did all day. I thought it consisted of playing bridge with her friends, eating cashews, arranging...

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We have toddlers and no TV

We’re one of those weird families that avoid the TV like the plague. The other day, my oldest said: “Mommy, I know how to turn on the TV. Do you want me to show you how?” In other words, yes,...

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Pregnant? You need a health advocate.

The nurse leaned in with plenty of disdain and said, “You seem VERY suspicious of the medical establishment.” Yes, perhaps because you keep coming into my room and asking if this second child I’m birthing is a product of IVF....

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5 tips for easy, breezy Christmas decorating

Got the tree trimmed? Stockings hung? Wreath on the front door? Wait, no? Not yet? Well, if you haven’t decorated for Christmas yet, perhaps one of the following applies: 1. You don’t do Christmas. 2. You hate Pinterest. 3. You’re...

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