My boy is ALL BOY. He has no patience to sit and be still. He is into everything. So please do not judge my parenting style. What I need from you is grace.
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A love letter to moms, journeying from sleep deprived to joy-arrived.
My boy is ALL BOY. He has no patience to sit and be still. He is into everything. So please do not judge my parenting style. What I need from you is grace.
Read MoreWhen possibilities are endless, life can get overwhelming. Here's one mom's story about how she learned to make decisions and stop waffling. All thanks to her children.
Read More2018 has been quite the year, with wild things coming out of the White House, horror in Parkland, and devastation in Paradise. Yet motherhood keeps us grounded and keeps life ticking along with love. Y’all, we need each other. We...
Read MoreWhen motherhood makes you feel like a train wreck, it is time to rediscover what makes YOU tick. What brings YOU joy.
Read MoreA fun look at the benefits of getting the common cold. Your sore-throaty voice is super sexy! And this is the perfect excuse for more sleep!
Read MoreWhat adoption myths do you hold? Here's the truth about opening your home and heart.
Read MoreTips for how to connect with your spouse after baby arrives: see a marriage counselor, go on a date and have more sex. So your bundle of joy doesn't crush your love life.
Read MoreReflections on feminism and the Women's March, on love vs. hate, on action vs. helplessness. Because sometimes you've got to get political.
Read MoreHey, y’all, thanks for being in my life and for joining MothersRest. Together, we’ve made it another year in this parenting journey, and MothersRest just hit the 2-year blogging anniversary! Here are the highlights from 2017. Including what went viral...
Read More7 tips to help you conquer insomnia and achieve your sleep goals. So you can actually get some sleep.
Read MoreWho makes good, lifelong decisions at 24? Sometimes you have to go through the journey of divorce to realize love is unconditional.
Read MoreHuman trafficking is a significant problem around the world. With women and girls sold into sexual slavery on an increasing basis. Hey pretty girl, with your sights set on traveling abroad, you must be aware of the dangers that lurk....
Read MoreHow many of us enter parenthood thinking our sweet little babe will be a major marriage stressor? But then comes sleep deprivation and new routines and a new life thrust into the mix of a, previous-to-this, partnership of just two.
Read MoreLife is always an adventure with little boys and their penes. (Yes, that's the plural form of penis. You're welcome.) Can I get an AMEN from all the boy moms?
Read MoreNewborns. It's a good thing they're cute, right? Because the life of a new mom is definitely challenging. Plus, there's a lot of poop.
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