boy eating ice cream

The things I’m telling my boys about Trump

The thing about elementary school kids is that they can read. This is equal parts awesome and sucky. Because, even if you’re anti-screen time like me and don’t get an old school newspaper at home, you can’t completely keep your...

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children kissing

Teaching your kids how to ask for consent

I’m raising white males who I hope will one day get into Princeton University and Yale Law School. (Nah, fingers crossed, they’ll get into state schools.) What’s a mom to do when she’s training up the next generation of the...

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boys playing

I bribe my children to go to bed

The boys are old enough to put themselves to bed. They’d prefer to do other things. Like yelling or legos or dance-offs or wrestling. So I bribe them. Who knew that 2 quarters could be magical? And yet that’s all...

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eating Halloween candy

5 ways to get rid of your kid’s Halloween candy

My daily diet looks like this… Breakfast. Peanut butter toast. And milk with a splash of chocolate milk thrown in for good measure. Lunch. Spinach wrap filled with deli meat and cheese, with a LARGE side of cheez-its. Followed by...

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baby watering plants

Here’s why your kiddo needs chores

Raise your hand if you LOVE CHORES! Okay, okay, you hated them as a kid and you hate them as an adult. Also, you wanna give your kids a magical childhood free from drudgery. If you’re lucky enough to have...

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