Raise your hand if you LOVE CHORES! Okay, okay, you hated them as a kid and you hate them as an adult. Also, you wanna give your kids a magical childhood free from drudgery. If you’re lucky enough to have...
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A love letter to moms, journeying from sleep deprived to joy-arrived.
Raise your hand if you LOVE CHORES! Okay, okay, you hated them as a kid and you hate them as an adult. Also, you wanna give your kids a magical childhood free from drudgery. If you’re lucky enough to have...
Read MoreCleaning up the playroom is like eating an elephant - the kids have to do it one bite at a time. This applies to everything we moms sort through daily: bills, laundry, pets, work. Here are 6 tips to help...
Read MoreThe wine bottle was sitting innocently on the counter. I ignored it. The boys did not. “What is that?,” the 6-year-old asked. “Wine,” I muttered and moved on to something else. The boys did not. “But what’s it for?,” he...
Read MoreI’ve decided to rebel. This thing called Valentine’s Day is getting on my ever-loving last nerve. I’m not pissed that Hallmark basically made up the holiday. I couldn’t care less that it’s another excuse for my children to eat truckloads...
Read More#RockStarDad got the ‘rona. And it sucked. Sure, sure, it was mild. As is the case when you’ve gotten ALL THE SHOTS! There was no ICU involved. No need to drink bleach. No moaning and wailing. At least not at...
Read MoreYour 2021 favorite blog posts, tips, and tricks from MothersRest.com. In one convenient place. So you can find the BEST OF fast.
Read MoreA few days ago big brother asked, “Is there really only one Santa?” Instead of following the advice of my friend and asking, “What do YOU think?,” I cheerily called out, “NOPE!” My husband glared at me from across the...
Read MoreDoes your middle schooler say PLEASE and THANK YOU? Are these manners important to you? Here are tips to teach your kid how to show respect and practice gratitude - daily.
Read MoreFirst off, I’m having a super hard time dropping the “S” from this twice-annual event. It’s been “daylight savings time” my whole life. Kinda like how “February” doesn’t actually have an “R,” whereas, “Washington” does. Not kidding on that one...
Read MoreStick with me here. Peanut butter is a loaded phrase these days. Some of my best friends are managing peanut allergies and it is NO JOKE. So think of PEANUT BUTTER as a proxy for YOUR KID’S FAVORITE (healthy-ish) FOOD....
Read MoreAre you hiring a tutor (because: remote learning)? Definitely consult a tax expert. Unless you wanna pay under the table and call it a day.
Read MoreI GOT THE J&J VACCINE!! Which means I can crawl out of the hermit hole I’ve been hiding in for the past 12 months. It’s not really that easy. Getting the vaccine doesn’t suddenly make the virus disappear. It doesn’t...
Read MoreBe brave, y’all, because the world is a little off-kilter right now. Cherish the mundane moments with your children when life feels chaotic. The kids cannot begin to understand the turmoil and pain gripping our hearts these days.
Read MoreAh, the blessed childhood tradition of wetting the bed. Is it driving you to drink, too? Now, I do have friends whose kids at the uncanny age of 2 decided one night that they were just done with diapers. Those...
Read MoreWe can all use a little something to celebrate these days, amiright? How ’bout BIDEN HARRIS DAY?! The boys made me mark the occasion, otherwise known as Inauguration Day, on our new 2021 calendar. And they have been counting down...
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