“Mommy, why did Jesus have to die? I wish he was still alive.” And so it begins… You know what? Jesus wants us to love other people and to be kind. If you do those two things, it’s like Jesus...
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A love letter to moms, journeying from sleep deprived to joy-arrived.
“Mommy, why did Jesus have to die? I wish he was still alive.” And so it begins… You know what? Jesus wants us to love other people and to be kind. If you do those two things, it’s like Jesus...
Read MoreWe’re one of those weird families that avoid the TV like the plague. The other day, my oldest said: “Mommy, I know how to turn on the TV. Do you want me to show you how?” In other words, yes,...
Read MoreThere are things your kiddos DO need. Like broccoli, the occasional bath and 12 hugs a day. Then there’s all the junk you can buy for them online. Take my hand. (Think of it as a virtual hug. Because mommas...
Read MoreEarly in my career I was the marketing director of a beloved shopping center. That sounds weird, I know. How can you love a shopping center? But it’s true. This mall has been around since 1957 and it’s the place...
Read More8 tips to make Elf on the Shelf the easiest part of Christmas. So you can enjoy the holidays.
Read More“You failed to tell me how destructive small boys can be. Especially to Christmas ornaments.” That was the message of distress dear Sarah sent me, as she shewed away her male youngins from the holiday decor. (By the way, spell...
Read MoreMy daily diet looks like this… Breakfast. Peanut butter toast. And milk with a splash of chocolate milk thrown in for good measure. Lunch. Spinach wrap filled with deli meat and cheese, with a LARGE side of cheez-its. Followed by...
Read MoreYou guys, I am nostalgic all over the place right now. Who remembers the Sears and JCPenney toy catalogues that arrived during November back in the day? So I got a little weirdly touched when we found the Amazon toy...
Read MoreWhat are your favorite, FREE things to do with the kids on a hot day? Especially when your little ones start crawling the walls because: BOREDOM. In case you’re at a loss and already SO OVER the pool, I polled...
Read MoreMotherhood: the days are long, the years are short. So savor the season and enjoy the chaos. And mark this back-to-school time with a new family tradition to celebrate the milestones along the way.
Read MoreAt 18 months, my son was dribbling basketballs. It was a sight to behold. This kid is athletically inclined. Or so we thought. Fast forward to this spring when, at age 4.5, we stuck him in tennis lessons and on...
Read MoreI don't teach anymore, but I remember the drills. I remember the nervous chatter of middle schoolers as we huddled in the farthest corner, the door locked, the room dark, objects in hand ready to throw at an assailant.
Read MoreCongrats! You’ve “earned” the title of Matron-of-Honor. Is that a nice way of saying you’re old? No, no, no, just wiser. You’ve walked that wedding aisle before – there’s so much advice and love you can sprinkle on the bride....
Read MoreOne momma's reflections on raising autistic children and what she's learning about the beauty of neurodivergent inclusion in the workplace.
Read MoreI have a rule when dealing with small children and major life events: Never tell them something AMAZING is gonna happen til the DAY OF the event. Because, y’all, anticipation can kill your kiddo. Occasionally I break this rule: Hey,...
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