You guys, the days are getting LONGER! Are you not beyond excited over this? Maybe you’re like me and turn into a cute, little bear and hibernate all winter long. As in, I am ready to stuff my face with...
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A love letter to moms, journeying from sleep deprived to joy-arrived.
You guys, the days are getting LONGER! Are you not beyond excited over this? Maybe you’re like me and turn into a cute, little bear and hibernate all winter long. As in, I am ready to stuff my face with...
Read MoreHow do you explain civil rights to a white kid? Especially one who’s only 4? Hell if I know. We took him to the park. That seemed like the simplest way to do it. To spend MLK Day downtown, in...
Read MoreIn my friends and family circle, I am one of 21 mommas who have IVF to thank for bringing kiddos into our lives. As in THIRTY children! And I bet I know a WHOLE LOT MORE FOLKS in this special...
Read MoreThe thing about elementary school kids is that they can read. This is equal parts awesome and sucky. Because, even if you’re anti-screen time like me and don’t get an old school newspaper at home, you can’t completely keep your...
Read MoreSaturday was rainy and cabin-fever-inducing. You know, one of those days where Pinterest can save you with its 50 million ideas for how to entertain the kiddos. But I’m not really crafty. In high school, I was in Acteens. This...
Read MoreIf I actually knew how to manipulate your kid to do the right thing, I’d write a book. You’d buy it. I’d make a million dollars and retire from life. In the meantime, daycare gave me a reading assignment. For...
Read MoreFour years ago, I called my sister-in-law and announced we were “ONE AND DONE!” Because sleep deprivation is hell. Also because when our miracle baby turned one, the stomach bug to end all stomach bugs entered our lives. Y’all, this...
Read MoreAny of you mommas crying big alligator tears right now because little cuteness just gave up nap time? It’s definitely a game changer. I mean, what happened to our mid-day break? Now instead of sitting around eating bon bons for...
Read MoreTried and true gift ideas for the boys in your life. For Christmas, Chanukah, birthday, your-kid-is-awesome Day – whatev. I’m pretty sure GIRLS will appreciate all these toys, too. But I’m a boy mom and “toys for boys” rhymes. My...
Read MoreI’m raising white males who I hope will one day get into Princeton University and Yale Law School. (Nah, fingers crossed, they’ll get into state schools.) What’s a mom to do when she’s training up the next generation of the...
Read MoreI got in this bad habit when my oldest was born of EATING LIGHTNING FAST – and only things you can grab and go, like pop tarts and brownies and french fries. That kiddo is 6 now and I still...
Read MoreThe boys are old enough to put themselves to bed. They’d prefer to do other things. Like yelling or legos or dance-offs or wrestling. So I bribe them. Who knew that 2 quarters could be magical? And yet that’s all...
Read MoreI’m a recovering share-addict. My apologies to all the kids I’ve nagged to death til they shared with my boys. Like the kid across the street with the most awesome toys ever. This post includes affiliate links for your convenience....
Read More4 tried and true (or at least funny) ways to try and stop your 4-year-old's tantrum. Because mommying is hard enough without a small Sith Lord in your life.
Read MoreThey handed me a list of supplies to collect. Including rubber cement. Because we’d be doing arts and crafts. Do you remember rubber cement? It kinda looks like honey and oozes delightfully off the little brush when you unscrew the...
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