
You can ROCK daylight savings this spring

You guys, the days are getting LONGER! Are you not beyond excited over this? Maybe you’re like me and turn into a cute, little bear and hibernate all winter long. As in, I am ready to stuff my face with...

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The one-week happy challenge

What keeps you up at night? Other than your teething baby or the neighbor’s cat? Like, what’s the soundtrack in your head that will not stop? Bills? Your Mother-In-Law? That first-world crisis where you can’t figure out which heels to...

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mother with child

We are the mommas with IVF babies

In my friends and family circle, I am one of 21 mommas who have IVF to thank for bringing kiddos into our lives. As in THIRTY children! And I bet I know a WHOLE LOT MORE FOLKS in this special...

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boy eating ice cream

The things I’m telling my boys about Trump

The thing about elementary school kids is that they can read. This is equal parts awesome and sucky. Because, even if you’re anti-screen time like me and don’t get an old school newspaper at home, you can’t completely keep your...

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jumping girl

Time for a little fun at the lady-doctor

Here's how to make that annual exam a little more fun...After you've been pregnant, when everyone and their freaking mother sees your junk, going to the lady-doctor now for a 5-minute invasion is way easier than any other doctor visit.

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girl dancing

My kid-friendly, rainy day, dance party playlist

Saturday was rainy and cabin-fever-inducing. You know, one of those days where Pinterest can save you with its 50 million ideas for how to entertain the kiddos. But I’m not really crafty. In high school, I was in Acteens. This...

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Nursing mother or nursing ADDICT? You decide.

I don’t know about you, but some of my best friends are addicts. And when I was nursing my babes, I noticed a few, unsettling similarities between me, the innocent and devoted, nursing mother, and my fun-loving, crack-craving brothers and...

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young kids sitting

The joys and crazy of two kids under two

Four years ago, I called my sister-in-law and announced we were “ONE AND DONE!” Because sleep deprivation is hell. Also because when our miracle baby turned one, the stomach bug to end all stomach bugs entered our lives. Y’all, this...

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Nap time died its horrible death

Any of you mommas crying big alligator tears right now because little cuteness just gave up nap time? It’s definitely a game changer. I mean, what happened to our mid-day break? Now instead of sitting around eating bon bons for...

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